Blue Hole is a solo exhibition at Coco Hunday in Tampa, FL
on view January 13th - April 20th

Interview with Erin Jane Nelson 
This show is a deep dive into the geologic history of my hometown of Tampa, FL. Water percolates through the crumbly karst limestone of Florida’s foundation, gathering in an underground aquifer and ultimately resurfacing as vibrant cold blue springs. The diagrams, gestures and materials in this show all point to different ways of understanding Florida’s underground simultaneously as an amateur scientist and sentimental excavator.

Earthes (fig. 1-5)        steel, seashells, epoxy, glass        6’ x 2’ x 1” each        

fig. 1        steel, seashells, epoxy, glass        6” x 9” x 1/2”        

Aquifer 1        steel, seashells, epoxy, glass        20” x 14” x 1”        

title        xxx        x” x x” x x” 

Groundwater        stained glass, lead, zinc, steel        55” x 24” x 3/4” 

Terrain Dataset Toolset        oxidized steel        24” x 18” x 1/2” 

Limestone Sun        steel, seashells, epoxy, magnets        20” x 24” x 12” 

Output Multipatch        oxidized steel        35” x 14” x 1/2”